Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
the ballad - millencolin
i've done it!! i'm not sure how but it's happened, i can now function semi normally on 5 or so hours of sleep a nite. HA! and u said it couldn't be done. i showed u! oh and guess what else! the evil lil bug that has been biting me every nite for the past week or so, yeah thats gone! i'm so lazy. i think there was a spider living in my sheets (scray, gross, i know) becuz every morning i would wake up with a new bite, and every morning i would tell myself after work i'd wash my sheets to be rid of the lil bugger. then everyday after work i'd tell myself "self, ur tired. maybe it went away and u don't have to do anything". then every morning i'd wake up with a new bite. this went on for about a week. finally i woke with the most annoying lil bite on my pinky toe, that was the last straw. i broke down and washed em and have been bite free! heck yeah!
so remember how i'm cutting back on shows?? yeah i have two this weekend...wait! lemme explain myself, i totally rationalized this to make it ok! tbs, angels and airwaves, head automica, and the subways, my reason for this...i've had the tix for about 2 months now, way b4 i decided to cut back. then sunday is hopefully (assuming my ppl don't back out on me here) going to be the one and only pete yorn. i really don't care about the tbs show right now, i'm all about the pete show, an intimate acoustic set at my fav place to catch concerts, oh, 18 and over so no teeny boppers...not that any would know who he is. my rationalization on this one...*sigh* i'm not going to go to chicago's warped tour... : ( i promised my friend i'd kinda help her out that weekend and so i'm gonna stick to that. she owes me sooooooooo bad : P j/k
james and jamin are totally loaded now....so fav lil bro, how bout that josh ritter cd??? *hint hint*
i came home from the meeting feeling a bit down yesterday, and actually didn't have anything planned to do l8er (shocking!). i kinda wanted to leave town...u can't blame me on that one. so i went to fond du lac (funny name, we know!) to hang with my cool guys there. just what i needed! well actually i recieved more awful news while i was there, two ridiculously awesome friends of mine were just df'd up there. u know, like the last ppl u'd ever expect. that was a heart breaking shock. so that makes 6 ppl df'd in the past 4 weeks. 4 from my hall. ouch. our service meeting is actually cancelled thurs for a special part on staying loyal to jehovah, i think it's gonna benifit a lot of ppl. i'm pretty sure i'm bringing about a dozen extra friends to it. whoa, can u say side tracked?? i was talking bout fond du lac. well, it rocked! i can't wait to go back. those guys rock, gr8 listeners and just crazy cool. i need to get up to ripon tho, make sure everyones doing ok. jesse!! don' worry buddie! we'll come up there asap!! well i'm off to munch, then possibly milwaukee. oh g2g listen to bouncing souls on jamin's new stereo, psh, lucky!!
Monday, June 19, 2006
this is the soundtrack of my life
"lean on sheena, she leans on me a lot. hold on, hold on. hold on to what u've got."
i can't believe i missed that with her. so quote nofx "when did punk rock become so safe?" ridiculous. warped is on the decline. there were some wonderful moments yes, but compared to say 2 years ago or so, its really slipped. so yeah saturday was warped tour in milwaukee, biggest punk show of the year, of course i'm gonna be there....even if we r 2 hours l8.
ok heres how it went down. sat morning jamin, kyle, and i r supposed to meet up at lukes house at 8...a.m. to help an older brother move. well i haven't really been sleeping and i was out a bit l8 the night b4 so i just couldn't get up. so jamin and kyle went. i was to meet up with every1 l8er. so i'm on my way to meet up with every1 (after some much needed couple extra hours of sleep) and i get a call telling me to go to krustins (dustin + kristi= krustin, they rok) i was very confused becuz every1 else was not meetin up there and krustin wasn't going. turns out i had to go pick up my ex's new girl. now u'd think that'd be a bit akward. it was. haha ok no not really, she's just not one to really talk, 2 me at least, and we don't have much in common at all so i just made pointless chit chat, i hate doing that.
ok fast forward, we now have all officially met up at lukes place and r ready to rok out. we all jump in lukes car (somehow i always get crammed in the back seat with big ppl, well not big ppl, but bigger then me ppl. man that stinks on the way back....LITERALLY) so we r off on a crazy round about way to the lakeshore becuz there is construction everywhere. finally we make it and can't find parking, accidentally end up back on the freeway and suddenly realize the worst possible thing has happened...WE FORGOT THE TICKETS!! NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
so we have to go back and get em. lukes dad is cool enough to meet us halfway with the tix, too bad we got lost in milwaukee on the way to get em, stupid construction! we finally make it there. so find we missed bouncing souls. honestly i don't think u know how tragic this is. that was pretty much the purpose in going. so now we r off to chicagos warped tour in july, and we will not miss them!
oh, did i mention jamin went as waldo?? from where's waldo?? he got more attention then the bands, haha! i can't tell u how many times i heard "I FOUND WALDO!!". it was brilliant actually to go as that, whenever we lost him i'd just ask "has anyone seen waldo??" makes things a bit easier. ok so who did i see?? mcs, great as usual, this time the crowd actually got going for them. less than jake was soooooooo great!! they just kept playing!! we got a skank circle going and then the biggest circle ever, it was like running around a football field! AWESOME!! they sang soundtrack of my life and while dancing i was thinking how gr8 that really is, and thought of possibly starting to mkae on for my life thus far. i voted for kudos was after that, always a good show. then some crazy irish punk band (not flogging molly...thats in a couple weeks). ummm kyle and i went on stage with hellogoodbye, its sooooo cool to see the crowd from the bands perspective. nofx closed it...."well milwaukee, ur better than ohio"...umm...thanx??
ok enough with that i know it sounds like my life revolves around music and thats not the impression i want to give, it just tends to be what i post about. i'm actually trying to cut back, i've seen too many young ppl get pulled into the world by being too into the music scene, i don't want that to be me. no matter how much u love shows and music its not worth it. its just definatly one of my weaknesses so uh, help me to cut back. i'm hungry. my goal yesterday was to relax. i failed miserably. u don't understand how sore i am, my calves neck and back mostly. they hurt sooo bad. i wanted to pretty much not move yesterday, that didn't work. went to my bros meeting...never quite feel welcome there, then went out to lunch with ppl. it took forever, soooooo slow, but good. came back home to shoot pool with ppl. i saw the comics and went to my room to read em quick, yeah i fell asleep. woke up and every1 was gone. oops. then kyle and i went to visit lauren to get some custard. she somehow managed to bribe her manager to get outta work and came home with us, lol. nice. we hung for a bit and kyle had to head back up to the u.p. lauren and i went to rent a move. man we r awful at that, anyone who knows me knows i'm soooooooooo indecisve, when it comes to lil things like that at least. we ended up with beverly hills ninja. came back to find my new quests had arrived...loaded on sugar, i hate hyperactive ppl when i'm dead tired and trying really hard to do nothing! wow, i don't suppose u need to hear my whole life story.
ok one more thing. i started to put my plan into action. my goal, regular aux. by sept. my plan, simplify, work less, get a different car, older so as to not have a car payment and be able to save more cash to move. work less. i talked to my boss today about my working 4 10 hour days a week so as to have mondays off for service. i told him my bro just graduated and would be interested in working there for that day i'm not there. he then asked if i would train him...ummmm sure. and asked y i wanted that day off what i'd be doing. so i told him. he asked if we ever got into arguments wit ppl and if my ents where witnesses and if i like being a witness. my boss isn't a huge fan, his sis was a witness and got df'ed i guess so it was a bit akward. he knows y i want that day off and that this is very important to me. and if he says no, he's gonna find out just how determined i am. i find out tomorrow, i've been praying like mad, i'm not sure what my next move will be IF he says no. do i threaten to quit?? do i accept it and try again later?? this is going to work.
Monday, June 12, 2006
i suppose i ought to be packing about now....but i'm not. i don't want to return yet, so i'm just not. see how simple things can be?? don't wanna do it? don't. i'll deal with the consequences later should there be any...unlikely. i could write a million lil crazy stories right now but instead i'm going to go and dwell in my perfect contentment. i'll see u all around...sometime.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
"does anyone else see that gorilla??"

SKA!!!!! man there's nothing better than a fantastic ska show. where else can u skank with gorillas, kill an evil mutated giant rabit with love, watch a super battle between the beloved aquabats and a hideously large lobster man, give high fives to everyone u see, and dance around until u fall on whoever is next to u?? i love ska! so in case u didn't figure it out last night atom, leah, taco, luke, jamin (jelly), and i went to chicago to see the aquabats. i didn't really know much of there music but i am always up for a ska show, oh man what a show!!! it was about halfway thru the aquabats set when a gorilla appeared next to me in the crowd, now by this time ur really hot and gross and dehydrated so i seriously thought i was hullucinating. so i asked everyone around me "does anyone else see that gorilla???" thankfully ppl did so knowing it really did exist,naturally i skanked with it....to clarify skanking is a type of dance u do at ska shows...don't want anyone to get the wrong impression here. i could say a lot more but i'm far too tired and late for a pool party. maybe i'll bail and just take a nap in my hammock which is hung way too high. TOTALLY SWEET!!