this is where i'm at

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

hidden in plain view

this past week or so has been filled with crazy happeninz. i'm hungry. hmmmm we'll fix that after this. newayz i've learned or re learned something, i sound repepetive but i dont care, itz important. never take ur friendz/loved onez forgranted. i've learned how terrib;y fragile we all r, u r NOT invincible, tomorrow could be ur last day alive time and unforseen occurancez dudez. not to scare u, but to put thingz into perspective. whatz important in ur life rite now?? what do u want to be important in ur life?? focus on what u want to be important. alwayz stop to appreciate the lil thingz....they're all some ppl have. i'm just a jumble of random thoughtz rite now and they r beginnin to spew forth thru this very random post, bear with me here. i love my friendz, even when i can't stand em i love em. i h8 how it usually takez something tragic or dramatic or something of the sort to bring this back to light for ppl. i'm not gonna wait for the next ocurance of something awful to be reminded again of what really matterz now. ok i'm gonna take care of this hungry thing i'm feelin rite now. take care, of urselvez and otherz. "livin by the hour i stop for every flower. everything is soft and slow."

Monday, January 16, 2006

"may angels lead you in hear you me my friend"

"the house is still at midnight, by one we'll be a wreck
alcohol and bandages will soon follow this mess
sleeping's overrated, we lie awake and cry
if this is love then kill me now and save me from my life

the house is dead by morning, as good as new again
the morning after funeral is coming to it's end
smile's aren't too temping and hopes as good as lies
memories are pain that lost their meaning over time

just close your eyes, everything will be okay
just close your eyes, everything will be okay
just close your eyes, everything will be okay
(just sleep, we never asked for this)
just close your eyes, just close your eyes"

we'll miss u buddie, all i gotta say is "sorry about ur toilet!!"

Friday, January 13, 2006

whatever happened to the rock n roll in ur eyez?

so whatz new? nothin really. but at the same time way too much. i've been doing this thing where i'm thinkin far too much, about friendz, past,now,future, just too much. trapt in my own thoughtz! yikez! i'm feeling very stressed rite now and i don't like it. normally i'm not one to freak out easily....u'll find ur stronger then u know when ur finally put the the test...newayz, my job of all thingz has been stressing me out, i'm kinda doing the jobz of three ppl at once rite now and i'm terribly underpaid for it too. not to say i'm all about money, becuz i'm not, itz the devil, but itz frusteratin knowin i'm gettin totally ripped off for how hard i'm workin. oh well it'll pass, and if it doesn't i'll blow up the lab....or talk to my boss what ever one seemz to suit my mood at the time.
wed. nite a brother from my parentz cong. came over for dinner, it was pleasant but so depressing at the same time. when i was with the same hall as my entz....yearz ago i mean, this brother and his wife were awesome! they totally took my older bro jesse basically under there wingz and encouraged him hardcore and me too a bit. i'm convinced they r a major factor as to him doin so well in the truth rite now. sadly this broz wife had cancer and passed away a few yearz ago. it was kind of crushing. the last time i saw this bro was at her funeral, and i hadn't seen him since. it just kinda broke my heart to see him without her. i've been thinkin far too much.
i've been havin this issue of not being satisfied where i am and taking too much forgranted, at least i'm seeing this so now i can work on fixin it. do u ever have those momentz where u say to urself "self, therez no place in the world i'd rather be then rite here, rite now" ? i do. but never here. itz disapointin. i need to get back to where i do say that. i know i sound just like everyone else rite now, wah wah wah blah blah blah poor me i h8 it here i can't wait to get out boo hoo hoo. there is more to it then that, i'm not just one of everyone. ur just gonna have to take my word on it.
this weekend i'm tryin to accomplish a lot of good, there r some friendz who r goin thru some tougher timez...we'll try and make them easier timez. a friend of mine is terribly sick, terminal actually, gonna visit that person. do urselvez a favor, NEVER take ur friendz forgranted, be thankful for the timez u've had together and anticipate those u'll have in the future, alwayz try to make some1z day a little bit brighter...even if ur day sux, keep ur promisez, and stop sometime to appreciate the little thingz. well i was supposed to be nappin...i've been a bit exhausted, oh well. "buck up baby, u'll be fine". thanx ra ca

Friday, January 06, 2006

there will be much love today, i shall count the number of hugz i recieve

today is the joinin of two incredibly crazy ppl. bum 13 is gettin married!!! whoa! yeah i know! crunkt up! THE chris butt!! newayz i've gotta be headin on out to that. jamin went last nite to the rehearsal, he got lost. now he has to follow me home tonite. loser. haha j/k. newayz i'm off!!