Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
district convention g.b.

i'm pretty sure i'm one of the 1st to have attended this convention (among those who actually look at this blog that is), i cannot put into words how amazing, timely and eye opening this was. so, here r some pics from before, after, and during the convention. enjoy! oh theres a lot of josh becuz he's going to bethel on wed so we had to say good bye : (. so happy for him tho!! and the t.v. shots. well saturday night the one night we decided to try and actually get some sleep i got woken up at about 1:30 to my friend saying she thinks there's a tornado....we could hear the siren. so i jumped outta bed and found every1 else in the apartment and woke em up. we headed downstairs (no basement : / ) until the warning expired. it was still crazy bad storms after tho and the threat of another 1 so we didn't really sleep well, rather watched the weather for a bit. i could tell u sooooooo much more but i don't wanna spoil it for anyone. make sure u r there for all three days and pay super close attention!! until then enjoy the pix!
Monday, May 22, 2006
now this smile has a bitter curve, and now these eyes r unenchanted

who says punk can't write meaningful lyrics?? hey jamin something like so?? actually it looked way better in person i'm just not photogenic in the least. so as usual i should be sleeping right now. i can't find sleep. i've been averaging 5 hours a night the past couple weeks. in my mind i'm thining i can just train myself to get used to that amount of sleep. man i'm stupid. its just not working for me. my friend of mine pointed out the fact that i am a bum, and as such i need at least a solid 13 hours of sleep or so. haha.
the weekend wasn't too shabby. shabby is my new word. it rhymes with abby. so ppl ask me "how's abby?" and and i say "not too shabby" its my clever lil thing i say.....can u tell this lack of sleep is catching up yet?? haha actually probably not, the sad part is most of the time i'm normally like this. back to my weekend. friday i played volleyball...managed to cut open my ankle in the same akward area the the previous week (remind me to stop sliding and diving all over the tile gym floor) and had a well...we'll say "interesting" smoothie.
theres been far too much drama. go figure. drama, cuz u know i as well as most of the world never deal with it *sarcasm*. i've been terribly worried, i really ought to stop that. take some of my own advice. worrying does u no good unless it moves u to action to try and fix the reason ur worrying. unfortunatly i can't do anything right now, i'm helpless. so i'm trying hard to just not sweat it until the time comes to sweat it. kinda hard, my stomach burns and i don't sleep. but things will be swell soon. that or i'm gonna run away and never come back.....hopefully the swell soon thing will happen.
sunday was awesome. i love ripon!! my friend josh is going off to bethel so there was a going away party for him. every1 up there is so awesome. haha imagine like 30 ppl casually marching thru the streets following 2 guys with guitars to a park. such good times. my new friend melissa aka mo and i tried to dismantle the playground a bit (to make it less restrictive and more fun) but josh made us stop. and there was football!!!......which i didn't play. : ( heartbreaking. my hand had been hit by a baseball earlier so it was kinda useless at the moment, no good for football, i still have an imprint of the stitching of the baseball in my right palm, i'm beginning to wonder if it will ever leave me. there was a minor fight between spencer atom and i and somehow i accidentally ended up elbowing josh in the stomach pretty bad...i thought he was atom!! oops. anyways a jolly good time but i really must try and find some sleep. and as for the rest of u sleep deprived ppl reading this far past ur bedtime, get some sleep, u most likely deserve it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
my fellow abby rox!!
this is my fellow abby, she lives up north and is ever so sweet (any one catch that? early november?? no?? ok moving on.) well she wrote a book, and well, just check out the aticle.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
the epidemic we refer to as "emo"
going out and about its become more and more apparent to me, i can no longer defend or even ignore this awful modern trend. thats all it is really. some stupid trend, its this day and ages version of the teenie bopper. disgusting. of course i'm talking about the "emo" trend. i spent much time defending this. now looking around it's not what it used to be, what it should be.
emo is short for emotional. emotional music actually. now heres where things got messed up, according to the world of emo the only emotions r dark, gruesome, lonely, depressive ones. hey guys!step outta ur dark gluminess and check this out, there r good emotions too! like oh i dunno, have u ever heard of this joy?? weirdos. if u look around all music is pretty much emotional, or is inspired of the various emotions the writers feel. there is some exceptions, such as rap and r and b, which is purely hormonal. yeah i said it.
somewhere the message got lost and is now just some stupid image, its not about the music, its about the look, the new prep, all about the clothes, the image. pathetic. ok u attention deprived souls out there trying to be oh so non-conformist. when everybody tries to be different by doing the same thing.... well, ur not so different. heres to u.
Admit it
Despite your pseudo-bohemian appearance
That vaguely leftist doctrine of beliefs You know nothing about art
That you couldn’t read in any trendy New York underground fashion magazine
Prototypical non-conformist
You are a vacuous soldier of the thrift store Gestapo
You adhere to a set of standards and tastes That appear to be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges
Giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to incoming and outgoing trends and styles of music and art
Go analog baby, you’re so post-modern
You’re diving face forward into an antiquated path
It’s disgusting, its offensive don’t stick your nose up at me
You spend your time sitting in circles with your friends
Pontificating to each other forever competing for that one moment of self aggrandizing glory
in which you hog the intellectual spotlight
Holding dominion over the entire shallow pointless conversation
You are a faker (admit it)
You are a fraud (admit it)
Yeah, you’re living a lie living a lie your life is living a lie You don’t impress me!You don’t intimidate me!
so thats that. i feel better. haha. yeah i'm still gonna wear my belt off to the side. i'm still gonna sport the aviators and chucks. but thats just me. my image, don't associate me with this trend, its gonna end, always does.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
sometimes i dont mind
if anybody knows that song (title of post) u r the coolest ppl ever. so jamin just picked up the new bouncing souls cd yesterday, i'm listening to it now, not too shabby but i doubt they'll ever top hopeless romantic.can't wait for warped tour!! they r there! WOOOO!!! my mom has made my fav dessert ever and its sitting in our fridge as we speak..or as i no, as u read perhaps, i dunno. anyways its there right now may 2nd at about 6 pm. and i can't have any!! : ( its "treatnight" tonite at my entz bookstudy so its for that. well y don't u just wait till after the bookstudy u may ask. the answer my dear friends and random ppl who have nothing better to do then read blogs is i don't go to that bookstudy, or congregation for that matter! long story. so by the time i get back it may all be gone! AH!! on the plus side my cousin is coming tonite and perhaps my other. they aren't exactly witnesses anymore so its ooberly cool that they come! yay! ok, have u noticed by now i really don't have anything to say and i'm just rambling about nothingness?? or that i have something to say and just refuse to say it. either or ur pick. i'll end this nonsense with a question. if u could be anywhere right now, where? y? later u crazy people u!