and i'm sick of my sickness. don't touch me, you'll get this

i love unwritten law!!! i'm kind of in a punk kick right now, really odd considering i got back from florida which i really wouldn't consider a punk state. i mean come on i go down there and the music of choice is bob dylan! haha j/k it was wonderful. anywayz i'm sick, sooooooo sick. i called into work today and left a message and it went like this "*cough cough cough* ugh, sorry. i'm sick. sooooo sick *cough cough* going to dr. see u later." "had a bad day, don't talk to me. gonna ride this out. my little black heart, breaks apart with your big mouth. you can't save me! you can't change me. well i'm waiting for my wake up call. and everything, everything's my fault." sorry, like a said i'm in a punk kick. we just got back from florida a couple days ago and i totally brought back a souvinor, the FLU!! they r so kind down there sharing such a wonderful experience as this! speaking of florida, jamin and i have reached an agreement. we refuse to go back to florida. thatz rite, i said it! no more!! that is of course until we get a visit up here by some of our beloved floridians!! so thats our dealio, u miss us, come up here first. wow we r sooooo evil! more details soon to follow. ona brighter note herez some random pix. we have classic owie...owen, my nephew. james and i. me sick, and james and jamin. enjoy.
"She leaves like she's never coming back again on and on... it goes on and on YEA She says "I don't love you like I loved you before" She says, she says "I don't love you anymore"