today is the joinin of two incredibly crazy ppl. bum 13 is gettin married!!! whoa! yeah i know! crunkt up! THE chris butt!! newayz i've gotta be headin on out to that. jamin went last nite to the rehearsal, he got lost. now he has to follow me home tonite. loser. haha j/k. newayz i'm off!!
i LOVE that skirt abby!
dang man, my face lookz crunkt. haha. thank uuuuuu.....do u have that skirt??? oh and i was hugged 32 timez last nite. i kept count haha.
haha no i dont have that skirt, i might steal it from u though. y would u think i had it? is it from CHARLOTTE RUSSE!!!!????? i bet it is!
LOL!!! actually for ur imformation it is NOT! however i do need to go get some more jeanz......
what does it sound like?? guy singing girl?? that actually soundz really familiar but i need more detailz
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