Tuesday, December 27, 2005
i'm just a happy kid, stuck with the heart of a sad punk.
this is whatz goin on rite now. this past weekend...wait. lemme explain the pix 1st haha. ok. well jamin and i thoroughly enjoy takin stupid pix. thatz what two of those r. another 1 is where i tried to be jamin for a lil bit....cept smaller. i fell a lot. and finally darth james. ok so once upon a time like 3 yearz ago james jamin and i made our own spoof of starwars for a grad gift. james was darth maul as we can all clearly see. well james and jamin were makin james look all scary and what not one day and decided to show me. yeah they decided to walk into my dark room with james like that while i was sleepin. u can imagine what happened. i opened my eyez spazzed out screamed and rolled over smack dab into the wall. they found it to be hilarious.
ok, this weekend was the circuit assembly which was soooo awesome! seriously!. putting on the new person is something every1 has to do and continually do and work at no matter how long u've been in the truth. saw lotz of friendz, made some new onez, thingz were swell. after th 1st day off the assembly i went out to western wi for a card party some buddyz of mine were throwin. granted they live rite by minnesota and i had to drive quite a way and when i got there i only knew my two buddyz but it was fun. i dunno this mite just be me but most ppl seem to think itz weird to drive or go someplace far away by urself. and then to have to meet all these new ppl alone is weird. and then to stay at someonez house u just met, alone is weird too. i dunno i was totally fine with it and had a blast, but thatz just me. i think i'm discoverin that i'm kinda loveable at timez....to those who don't hate me that is. newayz we played cardz and i was at my friendz house but he so kindly left and i was alone with his parentz....again most ppl would find this akward, it was no problem tho, they were super nice! newyaz i went to bed in a very brightly colored childrenz play room, surrounded by dollz....kinda creepy but still good. my only problem was in the mornin when i could not get the shower to work for the life of me! i sat there for 15 minutez like "come on u stupid thing!! am i really so dumb i can get a shower to work??" the answer of course was yes. i just wasn't turnin the handle hard enough...a bit embarrasin i have to admit after i finally broke down found my friendz mom and asked her if there was a secret or something to turnin the water on. wow i'm dumb. newayz they drive to the assem on sunday was so gorgeous! i had no idea becuz drivin there the nite b4 it was dark and really foggy. the second day of the assembly was awesome as well. i'm gonna try to apply everything i learned to the best i can, tho i admit itz gonna be a challenge in some areaz. well i've droned on and on about nothin all that excited long enough. i'm outta here. "every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end" wutz that? itz pretty mainstream actually.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
.....so this is what happenz when i'm bored

hey hey. soooooo i finally have sold out and got a blog. fantastic. newayz i have far too much to say. so rather then go on and on about matterz pointless and meaningless to otherz i shall post some OLD ammusing picturez i have stummbled on. oh and great newz. I FOUND MY MUSIC!!!! like thousandz of songz that i thought were lost forever...yeah so not!! itz great i'm in all my glory rite now.....well not really but all that music is definatly a pick me up. "the sunrise is just over the hills, the worst is over." name that quote....itz obviously from a song.