.....so this is what happenz when i'm bored

hey hey. soooooo i finally have sold out and got a blog. fantastic. newayz i have far too much to say. so rather then go on and on about matterz pointless and meaningless to otherz i shall post some OLD ammusing picturez i have stummbled on. oh and great newz. I FOUND MY MUSIC!!!! like thousandz of songz that i thought were lost forever...yeah so not!! itz great i'm in all my glory rite now.....well not really but all that music is definatly a pick me up. "the sunrise is just over the hills, the worst is over." name that quote....itz obviously from a song.
Cursive. A Gentleman Caller :) i win!
dang. ur good!! u cheated.
i did not how could u ever say such a thing!
wait what?? i like these pictures, they are fun, the wolf one is super duper! he he! ok sleeeeeeeeppppp yo necesito!!!!!
....u need a life. especially if all U have to write about is me.
poop! there somethiung new lol j/k i like the wolf picture i must say because its like bam!!!!!.. im a wolf
WHoa were you really petting that dog! man I am surprised it didnt like bite off your head! well maybe thats a bit harse...
actually if u look closely, itz a picture or a wolf jamin drew. we named it wilbur. neways seeing that hez all canvas and chalk i felt fairly safe standing that close to it.
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