hold my hand through the thick and thicker

sooooooooo how is everyone?? fantasic i'd expect, becuz u know, everything is wonderful for everyone all of the time. HA! what a load of crap hey? the harsh reality is that enough is never enough. allow me to explain myself. i learned so much this weekend on my vast travels of the crunkt up state of wisconsin....and a bit of michigan (when u want a milkshake u want a milkshake!! even if it means going to a different state to get it! haha) anyways i'm trying really hard to make the rounds and visit friends i have not seen in awhile...even if it means traveling close to 1000 miles in a single weekend. once i make a friend i intend to keep them, i don't wanna ever end up like " ohhh yeah so and so..we used to be tight, wonder what ever happened to them" or anything like that, so i try hard to keep in touch and be involved in my friends lives in one way or another. oh crap...not using "proper spacing"
yeah! there we go! so i visited with many friends i haven't seen in far too long, including some of my favorite ppl in the entire world. we all had some good times, but also discussed a lot of the bad thats been happening lately as well, in our lives, in the world, in general. and enough is never enough. u think u give enough, help enough, take enough crap, but u don't. it doesn't end, not in this system of things at least. u have to realize that and accept it and make up ur mind that ur still gonna do what u can, even though it'll never be enough. am i making any sense to anyone? once a friend always a friend, through thick and thicker. just keep giving, it won't be enough, but it will suffice.
......y does no one in my house ever answer the phone??
things r gonna look up. i'm gonna make them. work is so frusterating right now, crazy lady quit and lazy dentist's son got fired. which means everyones at there wits ends and i seem to be taking the brunt of it, NOT appreciated. i'm learning a complete new job, and yeah i'm gonna mess up, its a learning process, but lately if i do anything wrong ppl freak out bad on me, it kinda wears u down. and then there's evil boss lady who i'm convinced wants me to fail. i'm gonna hang in there just to spite her.....and to learn more so i can get a job at a different lab...perhaps futher south. just been kinda rough, a bit stressed, which is odd really, becuz i don't stress easily, i usually choose to ignore it. thats become a tad tougher to do when things just keep piling up for u to worry about. meh w/e. things get better, i'll make them better, and i will spite evil boss lady! muahahahaaa!!!!
oh! the pix! so i woke up one morning bright and early for work and i pull my shades up and whoa!! coolest sky ever!! sorry for the blur, i took the pic thru my window and so it kinda reflected i was gonna run outside and take more but when i got downstairs and opened the door it was gone! how weird!! and the other is me and my beloved sock monkey baxter! : ) take care all. "luv wut u b" -s.c.
that sky does rock!! oh ilove baxter! well abby, i agree the world sucks, and lately i too have been pondering this very thought because of well not so pleasent events of the weekend. I decided i don't know quite what i would do without jehovah's organization, sometimes its tough to always do what you are supposed to but it pays off, and i love it. i'm glad i gots people like you to at least stick with me here!!! well for a little while longer:(.love ya glad your home... i did work tonight at 6.
aww my sad face got killed!! wow its windy!
what do u mean for a little while longer? i can't believe u actually read that whole thing! haha
great optimistic outlook Abby. thinking of you.
yup life sux. I just want to go back in time. Maybe to 2 or three summers ago. Or the summer I was 16. but life sux special bad right now.
but dawn u got the new set of wheels! what can we do right now to make ur life not suck? wanna meet up for dinner? some ppl r hitting a mexican place 2nite u guys should join us! that or we'll just not give a certain someone her ticket to the academyis... show becuz itz been determined she may be the devil, u could go instead! call me
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